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Free Inquiry

When this project was first introduced I was feeling both excited and nervous for the opportunity to create my own learning process. I have grown up in an education system that is full of set guidelines and rubrics. I have always been a perfectionist, and although this system gave me a lot of anxiety, it also gave me a lot of structure, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Having so many classes this semester with inquiry based projects has proven to be a challenge, as I am not the most self motivated person. In addition to the struggle of multiple projects and assignments to keep track of, I am not even close to being a technologically savvy person. We have been assigned multiple TedTalks, documentaries, and YouTube videos to watch about the growth mindset, and how inquiry based projects are wonderful ways for children to learn, I am definitely trying to keep an open mind about how I will succeed this semester.

I have had a lot of difficulty coming to a decision of what I want to do for this assignment. Although I am passionate about photography, I only have access to a film camera. The process of buying and developing film takes both a lot of time, and money. I was trying to think of something that would be interesting and also make a positive impact in my life, and I have settled on cooking. I am not the best cook, and if I am cooking for myself my plate is typically a brown buffet: pasta with butter, rice with soy sauce… you get the gist. My partner on the other hand is an incredible cook and very creative in the kitchen. Given the fact that she is always the one cooking, I end up with the task of doing the dishes. I thought that for a change I would like to learn how to cook for her, as well as get out of doing the dishes multiple times a day. Though cooking is something I get a lot of anxiety doing (I don’t like being bad at things), I am excited to try and see what I can learn and bring to the kitchen.

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image showing person walking in pre-painted footprints

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